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Competitiveness of the national economy

Kvasniuk, B.Ie. (Ed.). (2005). Competitiveness of the national economy. Kyiv: Feniks [in Ukrainian].

ISBN 966–651–247–5

The monograph gives generalization of theoretico-methodological views on competition and competitiveness on the verge the XX and XXI centuries, a comprehensive analysis of macro- and micro-economic, sectoral, regional and international aspects of competitiveness. Analysis of the macro-economic cross-section of the competition is for the first time provided with the use of from Ukraine’s National Accounts and input-output tables characterizing the structure and proportions of gross value added - both overall national totals and by economic activities - and on gross output of goods and services. Also for the first time are provided micro-economic assessments of competition on various commodity markets constructed on the basis of a questionnaire poll of over 1000 Ukrainian enterprises.

Dedicated for economists, and high school professors and students in economics.