Innovative development of the economy:
Fedulova, L.І. (Ed.). (2005). Innovative development of the economy: model, management system, state policy. Kyiv: Osnova [in Ukrainian].
ISBN 966–699–117–9
The essence and characteristic features of the innovative model of economic development are considered and the causes and factors that create the possibility of its implementation in Ukraine are revealed. The experience of foreign countries that embarked on post-industrial development and formed an innovative economy is substantiated. Significant attention is paid to the analysis of the field of information and communication technologies and highly intellectual services, technology transfer. Based on the existing educational and scientific and technical potential, state policy measures, which will contribute to the efficiency of economic transformation and the formation of the national innovation system of Ukraine as the basis of institutional support for economic and social development, were offered.
For students, undergraduates, graduate students, specialists of organizations and civil servants, studying modern problems of innovative economic development.