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Sectoral and inter-country models of economic development

Skrypnychenko, M.I. (2004). Sectoral and inter-country models of economic development. NAS of Ukraine, Institute for Economic Forecasting. Kyiv: Feniks [in Ukrainian].

ISBN 966-651-206-8

The author considers methodological and practical problems of modeling and forecasting aggregate economic indicators under the conditions of transformation processes. She provi­des results of a comprehensive investigation of theory and practice of economic mathematical programming with em­pha­size on methodological approaches to assessment of de­ve­lopment prospects by economic sectors and construc­tion of integrated inter-country models. The monograph shows peculiarities in the formalization of sectoral interrela­tions and model based assessments of the consequences of economic policy in regulating economic dynamics from the point of view of macro-economic equilibrium and growth potential at the expense of innovative, investment and huma­ni­tarian compo­nents of development. The author forecasts modified sectoral and consolidated inter-country economic mathematical mo­dels as improvement of the existing me­thods of economic forecasting and introduction of new , more efficient ones.

The monograph is dedicated for teachers and students of eco­no­mic specialties, and for specialists engaged in the problems of economic mathematical modeling and forecasting of economic development.