Market transformations of the agrarian sector
Ostashko, T.O. (2004). Market transformations of the agrarian sector. NAS of Ukraine, Institute for Economic Forecasting. Kyiv: Feniks [in Ukrainian].
ISBN 966-651-165-7
The monograph provides a comprehensive consideration of socio-economic transformations of Ukrainian agrarian sector, starting from determining the goal of transformations, patterns and particular features of transformation process in Ukraine in comparison with other post-socialist countries and ending up with analysis of advantages and risks of the next steps of market reforms. The research is based on the data of socio-economic monitoring of the structural reform in Ukraine and on the experience of other transition economies.
For scientists, lecturers, students and post-graduate students, specialists and managers of enterprises, organizations and institutions of agro-industrial sector and everybody who is interested in the progress of the agrarian reform, and its social and economic effects.