Modeling an insurance-based mechanism for compensation of environmental-related economic losses
Brydun, Y.V. (2004). Modeling an insurance-based mechanism for compensation of environmental-related economic losses. NAS of Ukraine, Institute for Economic Forecasting. Kharkiv: Fort [in Ukrainian].
ISBN 966-8599-03-9
The author analyses the efficiency of Ukraine's current environmental-and-economic mechanism, which makes it possible to propose various approaches to the compensation of environment-related economic losses. He proves that the use of insurance-based mechanism of their compensation would allow to ease the burden on Ukraine's budget and raise value-added in the financial sector and, thus, the national GDP. The monograph proposes a new method of calculation of the matrix of full costs. The author elaborates his own approach to the use of the components of the system of environment-related insurance, namely: he proposes to use them in the determination of tariff rates, insurance amount and choice of priority objects.
The monograph is dedicated for scientists, workers of government and commercial structures, insurance specialists, as well as professors, and students of economic high schools.