Formation of sectoral markets in Ukraine:
Tochylin, V.O. (Ed.). (2004). Formation of sectoral markets in Ukraine: transitional period. NAS of Ukraine, Institute for Economic Forecasting. Kyiv: Feniks [in Ukrainian].
ISBN 966-651-147-9
The authors highlight the most important problems in the development of Ukraine’s sectoral markets: fuel-and-energy, metallurgic, agrarian, and machine-building ones, as well as the services markets. The monograph’s basic concept consists in the outstripping development of domestic markets with retaining and qualitative improvement of the national exports.
The work is the result of research conducted by the Department of Sectoral Forecasts and Market Conjuncture, Institute foe Economic Forecasting, Ukrainian NAS in 2000-2003.
Dedicated for researchers, workers of the state management apparatus, aspirants and students of high economic schools.