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Ukraine in the processes of international integration

Sidenko, V.R. (Ed.). (2003). Ukraine in the processes of international integration. NAS of Ukraine, Institute for Economic Forecasting. Kharkiv: Fort [in Ukrainian].

ISBN 966-7097-90-0

The monograph provides a comprehensive analysis of theoretical and practical problems related to Ukraine’s strategy of international integration, with regard to the impact of economic, social and mental factors and values. Special attention is given to the solution of the problems originating from the globalization of contemporary capital markets, development of E-commerce, and the main trends and mechanisms of interaction between Ukraine and the European Union, especially in the context of its Eastern enlargement, as well as to the issues of Ukraine’s integration into European and global social structures and labor markets. The book reveals the mistakes, which have been made in the integration policy, and formulates recommendations aimed at correction of strategic foundations and mechanisms of implementation of Ukraine’s strategy of integration into global and European economic space.