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Transformation processes and economic growth in Ukraine

Heyets, V.M. (Ed.). (2003). Transformation processes and economic growth in Ukraine. Kharkiv: Fort [in Ukrainian].

ISBN 966-7097-96-X

The authors, for the first time, have made a theoretical generalizations as regards the nature of the Ukrainian transformation model, analyzed the reasons of the formation of the predominantly exogenously-dependent development model in this country, and give examples of the negative consequences of such exogenization. The monograph’s starting point is the justification of the necessity to shift over a model of economic growth, which would be oriented to efficient (with the existing economic conditions) use of domestic resources. The authors outline the contents and advantages of endogenously oriented development model, propose strategic guidelines of the transition from the existing model to a predominantly endogenously oriented one by major economic sectors and activities.

For researchers, professors, high school students, and specialists engaged in economic planning and forecasting.