The role of the state in long-term economic growth
Kvasniuk, B.Ie. (Ed.). (2003). The role of the state in long-term economic growth. NAS of Ukraine, Institute for Economic Forecasting. Kharkiv: Fort [in Ukrainian].
ISBN 966-02-1592-4
The present work is an attempt to analyze the major aspects of the problem of the interaction between the state and long-term economic growth in market and transition societies. The authors have developed a modern paradigm of state regulation of the economy, and determined principal levers of public influence on economic growth in Ukraine in 1999-2002. In particular, they show the role of institutional reforms, budget equilibrium and regulation of basic proportions ensuring market oriented behavior of economic agents. The monograph includes retrospective analysis of GDP growth rates in 1901-2002, a model to increase competitiveness of the national economy and forecast of Ukraine’s socio-economic development in 2002-2011 and until 2050. The authors carried out a detailed analysis of the investment component of the modernization project and constructed a reproduction based model of capital assets (M-VIK).