Economic assessment of the state priorities of technological development
Bazhal, Yu.M. (Ed.). (2002). Economic assessment of the state priorities of technological development. Kyiv: Institute for Economic Forecasting [in Ukrainian].
ISBN 966-02-1592-4
The monograph provides investigation of theoretical issues of economic assessment of Ukraine's technological development; determination of methodological approaches to the formation of state technological priorities and improvement of the system of management of the priority lines of scientific and technological development; justification of principles and methods of the creation of an objective scientific apparatus of economic analysis of the investment orientation of the technological development in Ukraine's industrial branches. The authors elaborate methods to create information base for statistical monitoring and economic assessment of the tendencies of Ukraine's technological development, including the assessment of the operating state-owned scientific and technological programs, "critical technologies", technology transfer; and considers the problems of the state system of protection of the rights on the items of industrial property.
The monograph is dedicated for scientists, workers of the state management apparatus, professors and students of economic high schools.