Macroeconomic modeling and short-term forecasting
Kriuchkova, I.V. (Ed.). (2000). Macroeconomic modeling and short-term forecasting. NAS of Ukraine, Institute for Economic Forecasting. Kharkiv: Fort [in Ukrainian].
ISBN 966-02-1590-8
In this monograph, macroeconomic modeling problems are considered including the summary of current foreign and Ukrainian practical work as well as analysis and short-term forecasting of Ukrainian economic development. A methodological tool for short-term forecasting of main macroeconomic indicators is proposed including the changes in price competitiveness of Ukraine’s economy. As a result of macroeconomic model calculation, the authors work out and present the forecast of Ukraine’s main macroeconomic indicators for 2001.
The work is the result of the research, carried our by the Institute for Economic Forecasting, Ukrainian NAS, during 1997–2000.