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Transformation of the model of Ukraine’s economy:

Heyets, V.M. (Ed.). (1999). Transformation of the model of Ukraine’s economy (ideology, contradictions, prospects). NAS of Ukraine, Institute for Economic Forecasting. Kyiv: Lohos [in Ukrainian].

ISBN 966-02-0889-8

The authors analyze the present condition of Ukraine's economy during the period of construction of this country's national state and formation of the new economic model. The monograph defines the conditions, factors and contradictions of the transformation of Ukraine's transitional economic model; interrelation between economy and policy in the context of the solution of social problems of market-oriented reforms, and the processes of denationalization and privatization; and social orientation of market-oriented transformations.

The work is the result of the research conducted during 1997-1998 at the Institute for Economic Forecasting, Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences.

The monograph is dedicated for scientists, workers of the state management apparatus, and students of economic high schools.