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Sectoral forecasting models of Ukraine’s economy

Heyets, V.M. (Ed.). (1999). Sectoral forecasting models of Ukraine’s economy. NAS of Ukraine, Institute for Economic Forecasting. Kyiv [in Ukrainian].

ISBN 966-7558-84-3

The authors propose a system of sectoral forecasting models, whose use makes it possible to determine the possibilities of stabilization and prospects of economic growth, the ways of balancing between aggregated supply and demand, and improve financial and fiscal policies.

The monograph shows how the solution of methodological and information problems of the creation of a system of macroeconomic models and their components would ensure economic growth based on a structural reconstruction.

The monograph is the result of research on the theoretical issues of the development of financial programming models, conducted in recent years at the Institute for Economic Forecasting, Ukrainian NAS.

The monograph is dedicated for scientists, professors and students of economic high schools, specialists in the sphere of economic forecasting, workers of the state management apparatus of all levels, and bankers.