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Financial security

Baranovskiy, O.I. (1999). Financial security. Kyiv: Feniks [in Ukrainian].

ISBN 966-7558-14-2

The author determines the place of financial security in the system of economic security. He highlights the condition and problems of money circulation and the development of inflationary processes in Ukraine; functioning of exchange market; formation and use of budget funds; accumulation and servicing of state domestic and foreign debt obligations; investment activities; and formation of the markets of banking, insurance and trusteeship services and domestic stock market. The monograph provides a list of challenges and threats to financial security on the whole and in individual links of Ukraine's monetary sphere. There is a characteristic of the mechanisms ensuring the appropriate level of individual components of financial security. The monograph reflects the experience of the leading and transition economies in the construction of the systems of financial security.

The study is dedicated for specialists and researchers in the sphere of finance, workers of government structures, companies, organizations and institutions, related to the monetary sphere, for professors and students of high economic schools, and for all who has a profound interest in the problems of national security.