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On May 19, 2021, a meeting of the international discussion platform "Transformation of state functions in the conditions of globalization" was held in Zoom format, organized by the Sector of International Financial Studies of the State Organization "Institute for Economics and Forecasting of NAS of Ukraine".

The purpose of the meeting included a constructive exchange of opinions regarding the place and role of the state in the organization of public life, clarifying the specifics of state regulation of the socio-economic development of various countries in the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic, and formulating new ideas and approaches regarding the modernization of state functions under the influence of globalization challenges, digitization, environmentalization and demographic changes.

The international scientific event brought together almost 40 participants - representatives of scientific, managerial, diplomatic, teaching and expert circles from different countries of the world (Ukraine, China, Great Britain, Romania, Moldova, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan).

More details [in Ukrainian]

Collection of presentation abstractsc [in Ukrainian]