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As part of the 5th National Export Forum, on June 3, 2019, employees of the Industrial Policy Department of the State University "Institute of Economics and Forecasting of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine" together with the Chamber of Commerce of Ukraine and the Department of Industry and Innovation Policy of the Department of Industry and Entrepreneurship Development of the KMDA held a workshop "SMART-specialization of the city Kyiv as a trigger of innovative changes". It was attended by representatives of leading enterprises in the food, light and pharmaceutical industries of Kyiv, representatives of higher educational institutions, research institutes, state and local authorities.

During the workshop, various aspects of the application of technologies at different links of the production and sales chain, the possibilities of using various SMART technologies in the production of products were considered; inhibiting factors hindering SMART specialization of industrialists were outlined and the most promising instruments of state, non-state and international support of SMART specialization for industrial business, in particular for food, light and pharmaceutical industry enterprises, were selected.

More details [in Ukrainian]