Scientists of the State Organization "Institute for Economics and Forecasting of NAS of Ukraine" (Doctor of Economics V.V. Nebrat, Doctor of Economics N.A. Suprun, Doctor of Economics O.P. Kurbet, PhD T.L. Bodnarchuk) took part in the All-Ukrainian workshop "Public management and administration in the conditions of war and in the post-war period in Ukraine" (April 15–28, 2022)
- Analytical and Consulting Center for Public Governance and Law
- Institute of Social and Political Psychology of NAS of Ukraine
- Institute of Higher Education of NAS of Ukraine
- Ukrainian Center for Social Development
- DZVO "University of Management of Education" NAS of Ukraine
- Lviv Polytechnic National University
- Foundation of European and Security Studies
- National TU Dnipro Polytechnic
- Uzhhorod National University
- Educational and Scientific Institute of Public Service and Management of the SO "Odesa Polytechnic"
- Навчально-науковий інститут менеджменту та психології ДЗВО «Університет менеджменту освіти» НАПН України - перекласти
- Всеукраїнська асоціація магістрів державного управління - перекласти
The results of scientific research and the attitude of the Institute were presented at the thematic sectional meetings "Humanitarian and scientific determinants of Ukraine’s development in the conditions of the war and in the post-war period" (program of section 5) and "Public administration in the field of education in the conditions of the war and in the post-war period".
More details [in Ukrainian]
Programs of sectional meetings [in Ukrainian]