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International scientific and practical conference "Scientific heritage of Mikhail Tugan-Baranovsky as a conceptual basis of social development" on the occasion of the 160th anniversary 160th anniversary of a prominent Ukrainian scientist-economist, one of the founders of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences was held at the SO "Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the NAS of Ukraine" on January 29, 2025. The plenary session and discussion panels were in mixed (offline and online) format, gathering more than 120 participants not only from Ukraine, but also from Poland, France, and Bulgaria.

The organizers of the conference were

The purpose of the conference organizers was to determined the actualization of the scientific heritage of M. Tugan-Baranovsky and to promote the creative development of scientific ideas of the scientist to overcome the global challenges facing the economy, the state, science and society of Ukraine.

The conference were attended by scientists and graduate students of the NAS of Ukraine, scientists and student youth of leading national universities, members of a number of scientific public organizations, and scientists from a number of European scientific institutions also joined the conference.

The conference was moderated by Doctor of Economics, Professor, Chief Researcher of the Department of Economic History of the State Institution "Institute of Economics and Forecasting of the NAS of Ukraine" Natalia Suprun.

Event program

More detailes [in Ukrainian]