A public online discussion was dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the tragic events in Ukraine and the 95th anniversary of the birth of one of the first researchers of the economic causes of the Holodomor, Vsevolod Golubnychy (1928–1977), which took place on December 1, 2023, at the initiative of employees of the Department of Economic History of the State University "Institut economics and forecasting of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine".
Scientists, teachers and students of leading universities of Ukraine, employees of state authorities and representatives of public organizations took part in the discussion. And although many events took place this year on the Holodomor Memorial Day, this one - according to the participants of the discussion - was distinguished, firstly, by the interdisciplinary nature of the analysis with a focus on economic issues; secondly, it is aimed not only at understanding the historical past, but also at identifying modern risks and future threats to food security.
More details [in Ukrainian]
Economic reasons and long-term consequences of the Holodomor in Ukraine [in Ukrainian]