Ensuring the effectiveness of monetary policy in Ukraine in the context of global economic destabilization (fundamental research)
Terms of execution: 01.01.2021 – 30.06.2023
State Registration No. 0121U000024
Supervisor – Dr. Sci (Econom) Y. Bublyk
Customer – National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
The object of study is the monetary policy
The purpose is to
- evaluate the effectiveness of the monetary policy of Ukraine
- substantiate proposals for its improvement, taking into account the challenges caused by global economic destabilization
- general scientific
- economic-mathematical
Main scientific and theoretical results
- an analytical and methodical approach to evaluating the effectiveness of monetary policy has been established, which involves assessing the impact of regulatory measures in achieving defined goals while considering the needs of national economic development
- the specifics of the monetary policy in small open economies under the inflation-targeting regime have been identified
- a list of factors that increase the risk of global instability has been systematized
- recommendations have been proposed to improve monetary policy in Ukraine
- it is emphasized that a comprehensive system of currency regulation needs to be developed
Based on the research results, a collective monograph "Effectiveness of monetary policy in Ukraine in conditions of global economic destabilization" was prepared