The impact of multipolar globalization on Ukraine's foreign trade (fundamental research)
Terms of execution: 01.01.2021 – 30.06.2023
State Registration No. 0121U100222
Supervisor – Dr. Sci (Econom) T. Ostashko
Customer – National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Main scientific and theoretical results
- conceptual principles and practical recommendations for the developing of trade policy in the conditions of military actions and in the post-war period were developed
- recommendations include the prospects for expanding the export of goods of increased technological complexity to new countries and potential poles of global growth
- relocation of foreign trade flows
- restoration of agricultural exports of Ukraine in war conditions
- specification of agricultural and industrial trade policy in the markets of Asian countries
- development of Ukraine's trade policy within the framework of the FTA with the EU
Based on the research results, a collective monograph "Impact of multipolar globalization on foreign trade of Ukraine" was prepared