Transformations in corporate business financing in conditions of instability (fundamental research)
Terms of execution: 01.01.2022 – 30.06.2023
State Registration No. 0121U112770
Supervisor – Dr. Sci (Econom) V. Zymovets
Customer – National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Object of research – finances of enterprises of the sector of non-financial corporations of Ukraine
The objective of the study – business financing in the conditions of war and post-war economic recovery
The purpose of the research the
- development of scientific and practical approaches to the assessment of the impact of macro-financial instability on business access to capital
- systematization of key transformations in the financing of corporate business
- determination of their impact on the balance of the country's financial system in wartime conditions
- development of practical recommendations for expanding business access to financing in the post-war period
Research methods
- systematic
- comparative
- structural and functional analysis
- statistical comparisons
The conducted research covers the solution of tasks related to
- generalization of scientific and practical approaches regarding the assessment of the impact of instability on the conditions and forms of business financing in wartime conditions
- determining the level of vulnerability of corporate business finances to instability, taking into account the peculiarities of the institutional environment
- determination of the impact of transformations in the financing of corporate business on the sectoral structure of the financial system
- research on transformations in the financing of large, medium, small and micro businesses in conditions of instability
- determination of the main factors that affect the capital structure of corporate business in the conditions of war
- research of foreign and domestic practice of state policy in the field of financing post-war business recovery
- scientific and practical approaches have been developed to assess the impact of macro-financial instability on business access to capital in wartime conditions
- determined the vulnerability of business to systematic and idiosyncratic risks during war
- a toolkit for assessing direct business losses from the war was developed
- the priority tasks of state policy in the field of business financing are determined
Based on the research results, two research papers – "Transformations in the financing of corporate business in conditions of instability" and "Finances of Ukrainian enterprises during the war and the tasks of their post-war reconstruction" were prepared