Strategic planning for industrial development under conditions of global instability (applied research)
- Terms of execution: 01.01.2022. – 30.06. 2024
- State Registration No. 0121U114108
- Supervisor – Dr. Sci (Econom) Deineko L.V.
- Customer – National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Main scientific and theoretical results:
- а scientific, methodological and methodical toolkit for strategic planning of industrial development is proposed, and the expediency of its implementation within the "situational design" as an effective approach to managing industrial development in high level uncertainty is substantiated;
- methods and techniques of industrial strategic plans development in a high volatile and uncertain conditions of the external environment are improved;
- the conceptual basis of the functional-institutional architecture of the strategic planning of industrial development in conditions of global instability as a system of hierarchical and horizontal inter-institutional and intra-institutional links is deepened; • the need to update the regional and industrial strategies and to renew the current legislation to overcome modern challenges is proven;
- proposals for the development of industrial strategic documents implemenation and effectiveness monitoring and evaluation system in the lack, inconsistency and high volatility of statistical information are formulated;
- the ways of resource provision of industrial development strategizing in the conditions of aggravating resource shortages caused by the aggression of the Russian Federation are substantiated;
- the features of strategic planning of industrial development in the context of fair transition solutions, consisting in a combination of goals and priorities of industrial and local development, are outlined are substantiated.