Assessment and forecasts of endogenous growth of Ukraine's economy (applied research)
Terms of execution: І quarter 2021 – ІV quarter 2022
State Registration No. 0120U105803
Supervisor – Corresponding Member of NAS of Ukraine M. Skrypnychenko
Customer – National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Main scientific and theoretical results
- the modernized model toolkit is proposed for assessing the impact of endogenous and exogenous factors (caused by: globalization of the world economy, military actions on the territory of Ukraine, the COVID-19 pandemic, etc.) on the dynamics and structure of the domestic economy
- on its basis, instrumentally substantiated assessments were made of:
- the devastating economic consequences of the Russian military aggression and the COVID-19 pandemic
- the prospects for post-war reconstruction of the national economy
- as well as the conditions and risks of stable socio-economic development of Ukraine after the war
- developed scenario forecasts of macroeconomic indicators for the period up to 2030 (2035) in the section of the main sectors of the domestic economy
- the policy measures of endogenization of the development of the economy of Ukraine in the post-war period and in the long-term perspective are substantiated
Based on the research results, a collective monograph "Assessment and forecasts of endogenous growth of Ukraine’s economy" was prepared