Inclusive development of rural communities in the process of decentralization (applied research)
Terms of execution: IІІ quarter 2020 – IV quarter 2022
State Registration No. 0120U100815
Supervisor – Corresponding Member of NAS of Ukraine O. Borodina
Customer – National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Main scientific and theoretical results
- the interdependence and interrelationship of decentralization and inclusive rural development, risks, and threats that limit the possibilities of inclusive development of rural communities during decentralization are disclosed
- the scope and nature of the rural component of the administrative-territorial system of Ukraine that was formed during the pre-war period are defined
- the influence of social transformations on the inclusive development of territorial communities caused by the decentralization reform is assessed
- military threats to the development of rural areas and communities, probable losses of the national agriculture caused by the war, and their impact on global food security are revealed
- the role of inclusive rural development and family food sovereignty in preventing/overcoming food crises caused by hostilities or other extreme situations is highlighted and proposals to strengthen the sustainability of the domestic agri-food system under the post-war economic reconstruction are substantiated
- methodological principles and tools for determining the level of the development inclusiveness of territorial communities and their rural communities were formed
- acomparative analysis of this development in communities of different administrative types (rural, township, urban) was performed, and determinants of the inclusive development of rural communities within the boundaries of the territorial community were identified
- the main provisions of the methodology for evaluating the inclusiveness of the development of territorial communities have been elaborated
- proposals for promoting the inclusiveness development of rural communities under the post-war reconstruction of the national economy are substantiated