Globalization processes in the world economy: opportunities and challenges for Ukraine (fundamental research) [in Ukrainian]
Terms of execution: ІІІ quarter 2019 – ІІ quarter 2022
State Registration No. 0118U001485
Supervisor – Dr. Sci (Econom) O. Borzenko
Customer – National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
The object of research is globalization processes in the world economy
The purpose is the study of
- theoretical and empirical aspects of globalization processes in the term of multidimensional polarization and fragmentation of the geo-economic space
- reformatting of global, regional and national strategies for sustainable development
- substantiating the conceptual foundations of ensuring the stability of the economy of Ukraine to negative challenges and threats of a geo-economic and geo-financial nature
The methodological basis is
- a comprehensive, historical approach and systematic analysis of modern financial and economic theories of globalization, global and regional development, the theory of global transformations, internationalization, the theory of crisis and anti-crisis regulation
- methods of analysis and synthesis, statistical methods, quantative, qualitative and comparative analysis of the anti-crisis and post-crisis strategies at the national, regional and global levels are used
- structural changes of economic and financial development, dualism of geofinance
- the place of credit and monetary globalization in the general process of world economy globalization
- the process of generating new global money and the changes that may occur in international credit-monetary relations
- modern trends of financial globalization in the context of multidimensional transformation of the geo-economic space
- the influence of financial globalization on the world and Ukrainian economy
- regulation by financial risk reduction mechanisms at the global, regional and national levels
The results are implemented in the current activities of executive and legislative bodies, scientific and practical institutions.
Based on the research results, a collective monograph "Globalization processes in the world economy: challenges and opportunities for Ukraine" was prepared.