Research project "Financial tools for reducing economic inequality in Ukraine" (applied scientific research)
Period: February 19, 2024 – December 31, 2024 (I stage), January 15, 2025 – December 31, 2025 (II stage),
Registration number 0124U002254
Scientific supervisor - candidate of economic sciences, senior researcher, Yuliia Shapoval
Customer - National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Main results of the first stage
- methodical approaches to measuring economic inequality, analyzing the impact of monetary policy on economic inequality, determining fiscal policy measures to reduce economic inequality, and distributing measures in descending order of effectiveness are substantiated
- it is revealed that the effect of social transfers on economic inequality in Ukraine corresponds to theoretical expectations: increasing social payments contributes to reducing income inequality
- a historical analysis of the concept of the middle class was conducted, highlighting the key factors of formation and criteria for measuring the middle class
- digital inequality was identified as one of the reasons for the uneven distribution of income in Ukraine by identifying a close direct connection between indicators of digital access and indicators of digital use