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There is a war in Ukraine. It was unleashed by Russia. "Russian Peace" brought grief, death and destruction to our people. He is trying to wipe out predominantly Russian-speaking Kharkiv, Sumy and Mariupol. It leaves in its path the destroyed villages of Slobojan region, Chernihiv region and Kyiv region. The hands of the invaders are covered in the blood of innocent children. There is no excuse for this and there never will be.

The occupiers cannot be stopped with words, but you cannot remain silent.

We express our gratitude to our military defenders, ground defense volunteers, well-wishers, volunteers, millions of our compatriots who do everything every day to provide us with light, warmth and food. We thank the whole world that stood up to protect our rights and freedoms. We will never forget the foreign volunteers who risk their lives to protect our families. We appreciate the support of the international scientific community. At the same time, we hear the voices of Russian citizens, but they continue to kill us. Daily. Every night. Women, children, old and infirm people.

We are being killed because we do not want a "Russian world". For the fact that we protect our land. For our European choice. For our future. Cannons change and give terrible meaning to the mutual relations of historical neighbors. Their harvest is tens of thousands killed and maimed, millions of refugees, destroyed cities and villages, destroyed bridges, distorted destinies.

This is not our choice. This is the choice of the aggressor country. But we will persevere. We will return to normal life, to normal human relations. We will make us respect. And it will happen all the sooner, the stronger will be all those for whom the life of each person is a miracle, and not "chips when chopping firewood."

The state blessing of murder is the heavy darkness of the Middle Ages. The whole world sees how it descends on Russia. This is hopeless. In order not to finally get to it, you need to stop. This is the first thing to do in order not to turn into an eternal outcast who envies everyone, threatens everyone and is terrified of everyone.