Scientific degree – PhD in Economics
The main place of work – State Organization "Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine"
Position – researcher of forms and methods of management in agri-food complex department
Directions of research activity
- infrastructural support of the agricultural market
- state regulation of the functioning and development of the agricultural market infrastructure
- organization of transparent marketing channels for the promotion of agricultural products
- formation and functioning of supply chains of agricultural products
- implementation of digital technologies in agriculture
Main scientific interests
- agricultural economy
- agricultural market infrastructure
- state regulation
- agricultural marketing
- logistics
- grain transportation
- digital technologies in agriculture
- The assessment of the state and problems of the transport and logistics infrastructure of Ukraine using the SWOT analysis method [in Russian]. 2022
- Marketing boards: world experience of formation and development [in Russian]. 2020
- The legislative and regulatory support of activities of the Commodity Credit Corporation in the United States of America [in Russian]. 2019
- Formation and development of agroholdings in the agrarian sector of the economy of Ukraine and the post-Soviet space [in Russian]. 2018
Personal pages
Foreign languages skills
- spanish
- +38(066) 838-11-60