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Joint responsibility of producers and consumers in agriculture

Borodina O.M. (Ed.) (2020). Joint responsibility of producers and consumers in agriculture. CSA - Community supported agriculture National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, SO “Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the NAS of Ukraine" [in Ukrainian] 

ISBN 978-966-02-9558-2 (electronic edition)

The author summarizes foreign and domestic experience in the development of community supported agriculture (CSA), which is based on the direct interaction between farmers and food consumers, the adequate distribution of responsibility, risks and benefits from the production of agricultural products between them; revealed the essence, fundamental features, and advantages of CSA for its participants, and for rural communities and society in general. The organizational and economic mechanism of the creation of local CSA models in Ukraine with the aim of providing food to the population to improve the quality of life is substantiated, a target program for stimulating the creation of such models is proposed, and its components and a step-by-step algorithm of actions for its implementation are elaborated.

For scientists, practitioners, employees of state administration and local self-government bodies, teachers, graduate students and university students of economic and agrarian profiles.