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Globalization - European integration - economic development: Ukrainian model

Sidenko, V.R. (2011). Globalization - European integration - economic development: Ukrainian model. Іn 2 books.

Book. 2 : European integration and economic development. National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Institute for Economics and Forecasting. Kyiv: Feniks [in Russian].

ISBN 978–966–651–525–7 (general)

ISBN 978–966–02–5989–8 (book 2)

The problems of the country's inclusion model in the processes of European integration, mutual influence of this process and economic development are investigated. The causes and consequences of the spread of regional integration in the world, the mechanisms of its impact on economic development and acceptable variants of integration policy are analyzed. Issues of influence on Ukraine's European integration policy of internal institutional reform of the European Union, the implementation of its Lisbon Development Strategy, as well as the EU expansion policy to the East are considered. Various formats of development of regional integration in the post-Soviet space are investigated in the context of the prospects of forming a pan-European and broad estate economic space. The parameters of the promising model of Ukraine's participation in European integration, possible variants of integration policy and its connection with the tools of long-term economic development policy are determined.

For experts in macroeconomics, world economy and international economic relations, economists, teachers, graduate students and students of economic universities.