Economic contradictions of globalization and localization: forms of movement and solution (fundamental research)
Terms of execution: 01.01.2021 – 31.12.2023
State Registration No. 0120U105800
Supervisor – Academician of NAS of Ukraine A. Grytsenko
Customer – National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Main scientific and theoretical results
- the content of the historical movement of economic contradictions of globalization and localization is revealed, which begins with the internal differences of jointly-divided labor, passes through a number of development stages, through which jointness reaches the highest level in globality, and division – in locality, and turns into the main contradiction of the modern divided-joint world: between globalization, which develops through information, network and financial technologies in virtual space, and the localization of material and labor resources that exist in real space and are unable to move with the speed of information and financial flows
- it has been found that the resolution of economic contradictions can occur according to two types:
- the destruction of the object as a result of conflict and the clash of opposites
- the combination of simultaneous movement and the resolution of economic contradictions by finding the links of their mediation, balancing, compromises, deepening in the basis and complications
- Concrete-historical forms of movement and resolution of economic contradictions of globalization and localization are shown, manifested in the change of world order, in the spatial localization of contradictions of global economic players on the territory of Ukraine, in finding ways of post-war reconstruction of Ukraine's economy and its place in the global economic space