The Ukrainian-German workshop “Evaluation of scientific organizations in Ukraine: Possible Applications of Experiences from Germany” was held in the Institute for Economics and Forecasting (IEF), National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine on 6 December 2017. It was organized in the framework of the joint research project, which is supported and financed by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. This workshop followed the workshop, which took place in September in Germany (more details on The aim of the workshop in Kyiv was to discuss the results of the project implementation as well to define future steps. Prof. Igor Yegorov (IEF) presented the evaluation results of NASU research institutes in 2016. Prof. Jutta Günter (Bremen University) shared an experience of Leibniz Association on such issues, which should be addressed during evaluation, e.g. selection of the evaluation committee members and avoiding of conflict of interests, specific aspects of research departments evaluations and implementation of evaluation results as well. Also, she indentified the directions of improvement of the Leibniz Association methodology for research evaluation. These are distribution of criteria on primary and secondary groups based on type of the research entity and its thematic field, use of group evaluation in order to reduce costs on external expert travels. Dr. Oleksandra Antoniuk (Institute of Mathematics, NASU) overviewed current procedure of the evaluation taking into account the establishment of the NASU Evaluation Office and summarized the ways of the procedure improvement. During Q&A session PhD. Vitalii Gryga paid attention on certain problems in evaluation of research administrations and raised a question on consequences of negative evaluation. Yulia Ryzhkova interested in improvement of expert evaluation reports and needs in special trainings for domestic evaluators. Also the workshop participants discussed the problems in publication activity evaluations and the need to keep a balance between quantity and quality of publications. Bad balance in favor of quantity might lead not only to poor quality of scientific papers but flag the researchers’ motivation down. Summarizing the workshop results all participants agreed that proper evaluation was among the main tasks of S&T reform in Ukraine and the German experience was quite useful in designing own evaluation methodology. Prepared by V. Gryga.,Yu, Ryzhkova