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Archive for вересня 24, 2018

New horizons of cooperation

The development of international scientific and technical cooperation, in particular the search fornew partners, is now an integral part of activities of research institutions in Ukraine. The State Organization “Institute of Economics and Forecasting of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine” also pays considerableattention to this issue. Thus, on September 19, 2018, the Institute hosted a delegation from the Jiangxi Academy of Sciences (People's Republic of China) headed by its President Xiong Shaoyuan. The Institute was represented by the Deputy Director of the Institute Andrii Hrytsenko, the Deputy Director Sergii Korablin, scientific secretary Vladimir Khaustov, the Head of the sector of forecasting of fuel and energy complex Roman Podolets, the Senior Researchers Olena Stepanova and Vitalii Gryga. The main purpose of the meeting was to discuss areas and further S&T cooperation between Jiangxi Academy of Sciences and Institute for Economics and Forecasting NAS of Ukraine.fin_IMG_0643 The Deputy Director of the Institute Andrii Hrytsenko opened the meeting and introduced the Institute to Chinese colleagues. The President of the Jiangxi Academy of Sciences Xiong Shaoyuan and the Director of the Institute of Science and Technology Strategy Zou Hui presented Jiangxi Academy of Sciences and praised the existing experience of cooperation with the Institutes and researchers of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, and in particular - the work of the Senior Researher Vitalii Gryga at the Institute of Science and Technology Strategy as a high-end expert in March 2018. Also Zou Hui proposed a number of thematic directions for deepening of cooperation between the Institutes, namely research in the field of S&T strategies, industrial development analysis, etc. The Deputy Director Sergii Korablin paid attention on the relevance of the study of Chinese experience and outlined the relevant areas, including the experience of China's industrial policy and its provinces, the financing of technological modernization of enterprises and the study of development institutes, etc. Senior Researcher Vitalii Gryga shared his experience of working at the Institute of Science and Technology Strategy, where he prepared and presented analytical materials on technological foresight and on peculiarities of the establishment of successful industrial and technological parks. During the meeting, possible forms of cooperation such as programs of admission of foreign specialists in Jiangxi province, joint research projects, including international, as well as participation and organization of joint events, conferences and seminars, were discussed by participants. final_IMG_0634In conclusion, the deputy director of the Institute Andrii Hrytsenko thanked his Chinese colleagues and expressed his hope for deepening cooperation and realization of joint projects. The President of theJiangxi Academy of Sciences Xiong Shaoyuan, thanked the Institute for the hospitality and invited Ukrainian colleagues to visit Jiangxi Province. According to the results of the meeting, a bilateral cooperation agreement between the Institute of Economics and Forecasting of NAS of Ukraine and the Institute of Science and Technology Strategy of the Academy of Sciences of Jiangxi Province was signed.  

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